Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Week Four Progress (Day 23)

I've been pretty preoccupied this past weekend which explains why I haven't been updating as often as I'd like. I tried jogging in the morning this past weekend and just couldn't get myself to go at it 100%. A combination of being both tired and hungry and having the sun shine in your face once you wake up just wasn't conducive.

Instead, I started swimming this week. Despite my shoulder feeling better, swimming definitely re-aggravated it. I feel like all the therapy I've invested in my shoulder has gone down the drain because I'm constantly using it with exercise. Great results from swimming though, and if I can get my shoulder back to the way it was, I think I'll be doing much better than previously.

Cheat day 3 update: A friend and I made Beef Bourgignon this weekend, which is a fancy name for French beef stew, or Beef Burgundy. The thing literally took the entire day to make, and I couldn't help but feel that the finished product simply wasn't worth all the effort. Don't get me wrong, it tasted great, just not 8-hours-of-preparation-great. Part of the recipe that we used called for separating the beef from the broth during the process, and as a result, some of the beef became dry and tough. If I ever make this again, I'll be sure to keep the beef moist somehow, or use a different like brisket instead of chuck roast. The sauce was fantastic, and tasted even better the next day. We used an entire bottle of Pinot Noir.

This week's plan: Cardio 3x week, Weight training/Gym remaining 4 days. Let's see how much I can destroy myself without injury (Weird sentence? I think so.) Working on increasing the amount of slow carbs to 2-400g/day I'm ingesting to compensate for the increased activity. Again, still no carbs after 8pm though.

Note to self: Need to work on sleeping schedule. Stay tuned for more!

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