I'd like to thank everyone for all the encouraging words these last few days!
It has motivated me to train harder and more consistently than ever before. To be honest, I'm probably victim to a bit of body/muscle dysmorphia. I spend a good amount of time looking at picture examples of what I'd like to achieve, and then when I look back on my own body, I still see a blubbering tub of lard that hasn't changed much. After all let's be honest, I'm still a far ways away from something like this:
So despite this fact, it wasn't until I posted a side by side comparison that I realized that there has been progress these last few weeks.
A certain concept has crystallized for me the last two days: I realize that if I'm truly serious about looking like these people do, I have to train exactly as they do. As a result, I've spent some time last night going through the regimens of dozens of fitness models (
http://sixpacknow.com/abs_six_pack.html) and cross referencing them to determine the major commonalities in their training and diets. I've come up with the following:
1. The proliferation of cardio or high intensity interval training (HIIT) 3-4 days a week in the mornings before breakfast
2. Weight training at least 4 days a week
3. An intense ab regimen usually consisting of three to four different weighted and unweighted ab exercises consisting of 3-4 sets of 15 reps
4. The proliferation of supersets and compound exercises with minimal rest during weight training to activate cardiovascular activity
1. Eating consistently every 3 hours for 5-6 times a day and consuming an adequate amount of protein each meal period.
2. Ceasing carbohydrate intake after a certain point in the evening usually between 6-8pm.
3. Consuming only low glycemic index carbs throughout the day except for before and after weight training.
4. Zero sugar and saturated fats.
Training-wise, my intensity level is still quite a bit lower than what these people are doing, and I haven't been using many of these ideas. The diet aspect is probably the most difficult to achieve simply due to scheduling of work, but I have it planned out. I plan to implement all of these points with strictness and discipline starting next week. A sample weekday diet schedule:
7:30am: Wake up
8-8:30am: Cardio on the elliptical
9am: Breakfast (two eggs, 3oz smoked salmon, steel cut oats)
12pm: Chicken tenderloins, broccoli, brown rice
3:30pm: Turkey & avocado sandwich on whole wheat
7pm: Pre-workout 1/2 protein shake & NO Xplode
8pm: Post-workout rice crackers & remaining 1/2 protein shake
10pm: Casein protein before sleep
As for training, I'll probably be researching compound and superset exercises this weekend to figure out a proper 4 day training schedule. Weekends will be reserved for HIIT in the swimming pool for a minimum of an hour and 20 laps while mornings will be reserved for half hour steady-cardio.
Admittedly, making these changes will turn this small past-time I've been doing these last few weeks into a major lifestyle priority. I can already hear the voices in my head saying "You have no life! All you do is workout and eat cardboard and rabbit food!" But at the same time, I've already made the commitment to change within these three short months, why not go all in and dedicate myself completely with the time remaining?